One of our many editing stations, fully equipped to process and edit everything from commercials to features.
What do you think of when you think about editing film? A person in a dark room by themselves, staring at a computer screen, moving around film clips. Maybe you’re more old school, and you think of someone literally cutting and splicing together reels of film. Well, you’re kinda right, but there’s actually a whole lot more that goes on in the editing process before we even get to moving around the footage and splicing it together.
Here at Galileo, we use Final Cut Pro X and various Adobe Creative Cloud applications to edit our final products whether it be at our Boston video production studio or our Albany, NY / Saratoga Springs studio. But we also go through an extensive organizing process before we even begin cutting together the media that you see in all of our videos!
We use many different cameras, like the C200, C300, C100 and the Sony A7SII as well as various cameras that we rent on location. All of the footage that we use is organized into files according to the cameras that we shot with, as some have been used as A, or primary cameras, and others have been used as B cameras, which film sequences that will be used as additional footage to add to the main story (B roll). We also make sure to backup, backup and BACKUP our files!!

For every drive, there is a duplicate we make through special software to ensure protection on all of our media.
And that’s just the first step to editing. This familiarizes the editor with all of the footage, since the editor is not always on set for the filming. This also helps in the revision process, so if we’re looking for particular footage, from a particular camera, we know exactly where it is. If we’re looking for footage from a drone shot, look at that! It’s in the folder called drone! Editing is a big part of what we do here at Galileo and organization, though it’s definitely not the most glamorous part of film, is key in making a final professional product. And it’s fun for us to look through the footage from the shoot and think critically about each and every shot that we took, and think about how each shot will fit together like pieces of a puzzle in our final product.