Being a Media Production major at Flagler College has been fun and constructive the last three years, but my summer internship with Galileo Media Arts definitely has been the most beneficial experience I’ve had since starting college. I got a real-world view of being a part of a media producing business, which just can’t be taught in a classroom. I’ve always had a love for editing and advertising throughout school, and from day one of my internship I began picking up tips and skills needed to be successful in the media industry.
During my time, I definitely felt pushed to learn and succeed in whatever project we were working on. On the horse dance project, I learned how to multi-cam edit and got introduced to Final Cut X, which was huge for me. When I began one of my weakest skills would have been sound editing, but then we worked on the “Everything is Made of Stars” sound design book, I began to hone my skills with Pro Tools. Helping as a PA on the AMI shoot was a highlight of the summer. I got to watch my first professional shoot from start to finish, and being a piece of that makes me feel so confident as a production student.
Getting to sit in on Galileo’s advertising meetings was one of my favorite experiences of the summer. Observing Alex, John and Chris write, review, and edit copy while managing time restraints and client requests, was incredibly interesting. I finally got to see the behind the scenes of advertising and marketing, which are my two minors at college, and now I feel confident that I chose the right minors.
All of my time spent with Galileo was thoroughly enjoyable and valuable. I feel as if I came in blind but now I have a clear picture on what and how I need to proceed with school, and even afterwards, to become successful in the world of media.
Lastly, the best part of the entire summer was hanging out and meeting so many awesome people. Everyone was great and I feel so lucky to have had such an enjoyable internship experience. Thanks again to John, Alex, Dave, Chris, Tash, Jake, Mary, Becky, and everyone else involved!
Nick Scammacca, 20, Flagler College